Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I think he's got it!

I think Ramsey has mastered rolling over finally. He actually rolled over very early at 5 weeks old and then again at 8 weeks. Since then he has not seemed very interested in doing it much. Well, actually when I would place him on his tummy he would bury his face in the floor and cry. Pretty pitiful. Anyway, I have been encouraging tummy time since he mainly likes to be in the standing position these days. He would raise his head way up but just not want to go over. So last night my mom and I sat in the floor with him and helped him do it a time or two and we would clap and make a big deal over him, which he loves. After that he just started rolling and rolled lots today too. I knew he had it in him but he was just going to do it when he was good and ready. So I am very proud of him. While I worked in the "sweat shop" today my mom took Ramsey outside and she said he sat up for about 30 seconds on his own and even rolled from back to front on his own. I swear next time she'll tell me he is walking. He also helped plant flowers and got his first thrill of dirt on his feet. He's so much fun and I just love that I've been given the opportunity to be his mommy. Oh, and in case you can't tell that is a french bulldog on his shirt. He likes to represent.


Lindsey Oliver said...

Way to go, Ramsey! He's growing so much, Tara. I can't believe it, even just over the last couple of weeks I can tell a difference in his features. Wow.

I'm hanging in here, pretty miserable, but making it. Just waiting...

Candace said...

Oh my gosh he is so cute!!! I can't believe how much he has grown!! I showed Mom all of your new pics on Myspace that you had made and she loved them!!! Especially the picture of your ring on Ramsey's toe! That's our favorite!! I hope youre doing good and keep posting!!! I enjoy reading them so much!!!!