Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nearing The Finish Line!

We are getting closer and closer to the end of this very long deployment. Ramsey and I are flying up to Fort Drum late next week to hopefully get there a few days ahead of Cope and welcome him home FINALLY! I have so much emotion running through me now that it is almost over. It is like I've held on so tight and kept a brave face when all I really do is pray for strength and Cope's safety. It has been a long 14 months. It is a journey I am thankful for as it has taught me more than I could have imagined. Here are just a few of the things I've come to learn over this deployment:

1) Parenting can be accomplished by one person but having someone to share all the joys and occasional hardship with is much better.

2) Cooking for one is not fun.

3) Our son learned to say Da-Da just by seeing Cope's picture each morning.

4) I can put together ANY baby item. I can set up the pack in play in 20 seconds flat, I can put together strollers, swings, cribs,etc...

5) Nights are lonely.

6) I can put on my "Super Woman" cape anytime it is needed but I'm ready to retire it for a little while.

7) When I just need to talk to my best friend I can't just call him up to chat and if I miss his call I can't just call him right back.

8)Raising our son is hard in some moments but when I take a minute to really look at him I am simply blown about by the gift we've been entrusted with.

9) We are coming out of this deployment better, stronger, wiser, and more appreciative people than we went into it.

10) 14 months is a LONG TIME but Cope is certainly worth the wait!

Those are just a few but I could go on and on I suppose. I know I've worked hard this year but the real shout out goes to Cope in my opinion. He is the man! He did not choose this deployment yet he put one foot in front of the other for over 425 days. He has lived in sad conditions and seen things I don't even want to think about. Most of all he has missed HOME and every resemblance of comfort. He knows he is missing precious time with his little boy. We'll make it up babe, don't you worry! I seriously could not be more proud of Cope. He is the man beyond my dreams.

We are almost to the end and please keep Cope and his guys in your thoughts and prayers and they wind down and get ready to COME HOME!!!! It has been a long time coming that is for sure.

1 comment:

MaryBeth said...

Hang in there... hooray for you guys that you are soon going to be a whole family again!! I am completely relating with especially #7 right now. I am so used to being able to "reach out and touch" Scott via the telephone that I am just out of sorts almost b/c I have to email and then wait for his call nowadays. I'm missing him, but like you so thankful for a husband who is willing to do what it takes for our family, our country, and our freedom. Big hugs to you and Ramsey as you wait for Cope to arrive.