Sunday, October 26, 2008

He's Back!!!

Cope's flight made it in here to Ft. Drum about 9am this morning but we could not see him until the ceremony at 12:30pm. They had to turn in their weapons and stuff. It was short ceremony and then we finally got to hug our guy. I am very happy to have him back. It was quite the journey for us both. Ramsey has a very pitiful cold which is making him not his usual peppy self. He literally has snot from his nose to his knees. Poor kid. This is also pitiful because he keeps saying ma-ma, ma-ma over and over again. All he wants is for me to hold him and if I attempt to get away for a second he cries for me. I'm sure this is very welcoming for Cope but I assure him that hopefully Ramsey will be back in gear in a day or so. Either way Cope is safely home and I am HAPPY for that most of all. Ramsey will feel better and we won't be in a one room hotel forever. For now is it all just fine as long as we're together. I took some pictures of our reunion but won't be able to post those till next week. It is just 8:30pm here and Cope and Ramsey are both fast asleep. I off to catch some sleep and wake up next to the man I've been missing for so long. Even though it has been a crazy day with a sick kid I am going to bed feeling more grateful than ever before.

1 comment:

Cristin said...

YAAAAAAAY! Welcome home Cope!