Sunday, June 28, 2009

We're Creating A Monster

I think Cope and I might be creating a monster. He now LOVES to play Guitar Hero with Cope in the evenings. He gets so excited to be doing something cool with his Dad. Also, we took him down the big water slide at our neighborhood pool this weekend. It goes really fast and dumps you way out and under the water. Ramsey would giggle the whole time and come up signing and saying "more, more". He is such a brave kid. Some of the 4 and 5 year olds at our pool are scared to death of it but not our 18 month old. He is WILD and seems to be fearless at this point (good and bad thing I suppose?). Either way he has a blast. He can also tread water on his own with floaties for a few minutes at a time now. It is great because it wears it him out way more and he is totally pooped afterwards.



Erin said...

You are not creating a are creating a ROCKSTAR!! And I think it's great that Ramsey is so comfortable with the water and swimming. I think the earlier kids start swimming the better!!

jill said...

is it too early to rsvp for ramsey's prom??? sophie wanted to know. :) love what a big kid he is! and i could seriously eat him up ... he is TOO PRECIOUS! i don't know how you EVER tell that sweet boy no. and THANK YOU for the sweet words about the house experience. i think i'll survive, God (and margaritas!) willing.

Cristin said...

Marlie always goes after Bryan's guitar too! He "hides" it but she knows exactly where it's at and always wants to play it!