Sunday, June 21, 2009

dEAr dAdDy

hApPy dAdDy'S dAy!

i JUsT wANTeD tO SAy ThaNk U fUr aLL yOu dO tO MaKe mE HApPy. THanK u FOr pLAyiNg wIth mE. THanK U fOr rEAdIng tO mE. THanK yOu fOr TeaChinG mE aBout "MaN" sTuFf. THanK YoU fOr KeEpiNg MoMmy sAne. ThaNk u fOr bEinG mY bEst BuDdy. i dOn't rEmemBer YoU beiNg aWay aLL lAst YeAr bUt mOM sAyS it WAs "HarD". i aM jUsT HApPY yOu R hEre NoW.

i LOve YoU,


Mylinda said...

Dang you are up early! WHat a sweet letter for Cope from Ramsey!

jill said...

ramsey ....

it sounds like you have SUCH a good daddy! you're definitely a lucky little boy, and i love the picture of you playing with your dad on the couch!

p.s. tell your mom thanks for the advice. i may be e-mailing her soon for more help.

Erin Duvall said...

very sweet. i got the preppy tots stuff today and i loved it all. we got back from the beach today so i'll be mailin ur check out tomorrow. thank you its so cute.