Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Very Best Days

I know many people think living is in the doing, in the events, and being on the go. For me, my best days are the ones I have time to breath. The days where I get to take a step back and just be thankful. I love the weekends, especially the ones where we don't have much to do and we find our summer weekends filled with tending the yard, washing the cars, and going to the pool. As long as the 3 of us (plus doggies) are together, not much else matters. I love our little team!

Ramsey especially loves the weekends as he gets to hang with Daddy a lot. He helps cut the grass by riding in the backpack. All week he'll go into the closet and just sit in his backpack carrier and say "Dada" so when Saturday morning finally rolls around you can imagine how thrilled he is. He also loves to help pull weeds and wash cars. Man, he'll make a great companion one day but for now I am glad he is just our little helper.


Mylinda said...

I can't wait for this stage!

jill said...

love the pictures!!!!!! he's such a big helper!