Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Is It Friday Yet?

Ramsey and I have had a long week so far. I have been very busy with sewing orders (which I love!) and Cope has been working long hours so my hands have been quite full with little WILD man. He actually has been fairly well behaved with only about 10 tantrums a day instead of 20. We have discovered lots of new ways to have fun. One of which is shoe shopping. We went into Payless yesterday and he had the time of his life. Screaming "shoes" at the top of his lungs, running wild, rearranging about 100 pairs of shoes, and trying on at least a dozen pairs of heels. He even snuck back into the stock room for a not so cool game of peek-a-boo. He is a great errand runner but I am worn slap out when we finally get home. Oh, and he is getting to be a pickier eater by the day (it also might be that his canine teeth are coming in?). Today he only wanted grated Parmesan cheese for lunch. Nothing else. Geez.We are headed strait to the pool after his nap today and hopefully we'll both get some much needed R & R. Yeah right, have you ever wrangled a 18 month old little wild boy running like a crazy man around a pool? If he wasn't so much fun I might cry from exhaustion. Also, why does it seem inevitable that as soon as I put that little swim diaper on he poops? Good Times!!!


jill said...

our children are kindred. 18 months is W.I.L.D.!!!! sophie likes to get stuff out of the TASH (trash) and SNACK on it!. sick!

Mylinda said...

I have yet to see Ramsey do anything approaching a tantrum! It may be something in the air though, cause Hudson's been a little better this week, too. Full moon?

Ashley said...

This shirt is too cute for words. Do you have any German Shepherd appliques???

Erin Duvall said...

omg. too funny. just checking blogs from my fone at the beach with the Duvalls and Ava poops everytime i get that stupid swimmy diaper on her bfore we go to the pool too. so funny and annoying:) and she eats like gerber crunchies and thats it. oh and applejuice.