Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ramsey's First Set of Wheels

My mom asked me the other day if I was going to get Ramsey a baby walker. I asked her if they even made such things anymore? She thought they did, so Saturday night we went to dinner in Kennesaw and afterwards we went to the Mecca of baby stuff (Babies R Us). They had a whole aisle of them. Who knew? They had super fancy ones and basic ones so I went with the budget friendly version and thought we'd see how it was. We arrived home about 30 minutes before Ramsey's bedtime and rushed to put it together. A few minutes later we sat him in it and he TOOK OFF! It was like he was just waiting for some wheels to aid him in his adventures. At first he only went backwards but by Monday he was pretty much going in ALL directions. It reminds me of bumper cars. He'll get stuck behind the couch, in doorways, etc. He takes a few minutes and evaluates the situation and figures out how to get it turned around and going again. My Mom's home is perfect for a baby walker in that it has tons of open hardwood floor space. He seems so proud of his independence. We can call him to come to us and he'll get a grin and move his little legs right toward us. Guess we'll start baby proofing sooner than we thought. ( oh, and yes, that is drool all over his shirt. I'm constantly checking for new teeth but not yet...)

1 comment:

Mary said...

How cute! I want to get Ian one, but I'm worried his new crawling independence will make him less interested. It doesn't hurt to try, right? Ramsey seems to really emjoy it!