Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Little Things

I went grocery shopping yesterday in my over anxiousness for Cope to come home. It was the first time in 10 months that I've bought groceries for my husband. Now some people would not consider that a big deal but I found myself really pumped up over this minor event. I absolutely love to cook for Cope. I love that when I make his favorite things he often does a little dance of excitement to show his appreciation. I miss a million things about Cope. I miss laughing with him at the little things that only he and I think are hilarious. I miss holding his hand and feeling that ALL is right in our little world. I miss touching his face and seeing in his eyes that the love we have for each other is made stronger each day we're together. I even miss the petty disagreements over the dumbest things. I miss the basics of simply being present in each others daily lives. Needless to say I miss it ALL. Hopefully in just a few short days we'll get to experience what we have both been badly missing these past 10 months. Also, to top it off we now have Ramsey to share our love with. A little guy who is an example to me everyday of what our love created. It has been quite a journey thus far but we have been very rewarded and blessed in our efforts and I am thankful for it every single day.

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