Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Due Date
Lots of people have been asking me exactly when Cope will be home and I know they genuinely care but I have to explain that it is sort of like having a baby. His due date to arrive is the 27th of this month but as with child birth it can always vary as to exactly what day or time he'll arrive. Of course his arrival is long overdue so I hope he gets here with no delays, but we have done this Army thing long enough to know it can be a little less than desirable at times ( a good example being a 15 month deployment to Iraq). Either way my man is coming home!!!! Yes, it is true!!! I am so excited!!! I feel like a giddy school girl waiting to show off my best project ever AKA Ramsey. I am so looking forward to finally being a family and Cope getting to see this little wonder I have been gabbing about each time we talk. As excited as I am I simply can not imagine what it will be like for Cope to finally be "home". To come up those long escalators at the airport and see me holding our son. It is the stuff my dreams are made of.