Saturday, June 21, 2008

Begining Stages

This is my first attempt at putting a video on this here blog so I promise to try to get better in time. I just had to get this on video. As of this morning Ramsey is officially on the move. Actually it is just sort of like an army low crawl but I think he is totally going to get the hang of crawling soon. By the end of the day he was able to go much farther. I put of lots of neat and colorful toys for him to go to but he really prefers the phone or remote control. Guess he's a man that likes his gadgets? Cope sure is coming home at a very fun stage.


MaryBeth said...

How fun!! He'll be all over the place in just a day or two, I bet... time to break out all the babyproofing supplies.

Lindsey Oliver said...

That's the cutest thing I've ever seen! He's totally going to be up and running before you know it.