Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ode to the Bouncy Seat

Today was bittersweet when I finally put Ramsey's bouncy seat in storage. It is just a reminder of how big and mobile he is getting these days. It served us extremely well and as I put it down stairs I remembered how handy this silly little seat had been. I thought of when I first put him in it at one week old he was too little for it but he was fascinated with its vibration and lights at the same time. Now his feet hang over the edge and he seems bored out of his mind in it. I also thought of when I used it from age 6 weeks to 12 weeks to bounce him to sleep at night. Thankfully he learned how to put himself to sleep shortly after but this little $40 seat was a miracle worker when it counted. So I could not just cast this seat aside without first giving it its props. Thanks bouncy seat, you do good work. I also retired the travel system stroller but it was too cumbersome to really make much mention of. All I have to say is thank God for the much smaller umbrella versions. Anyway, my little man is growing up and it is getting so much more fun each day and even though those first few months with a baby are super hard they are at the same time some of the sweetest. If I am this nostalgic when Ramsey is just 7 months old I can't even imagine his first day of school or when he decides he is too cool for his mommy's kisses.

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