Sunday, July 27, 2008

Not Enough Coffee

Some days there is just not enough coffee in the world to give me the energy I need to get through the day. Today just happened to be one of those days. I had mentioned earlier that Ramsey is working on 2 more of his now 6 teeth. He handles it fairly well during the day but whines a lot in his sleep. He never cries just whines and tosses and turns more than usual. Now I know I could just turn off or turn down the monitor but the mother in me just can't do it. I lightly doze and try to stay alert enough to hear if he were to really need me. Ramsey did this whole fussy thing from about 1:30 AM until his usual wake time of 7:30AM. I try to remind myself as I drag into his room that it is no longer about me and my needs but about what Ramsey's needs are. I greet him with a smile and when he returns it with a toothy grin and giggle, I simply melt. I adore him so much but today was just one of those days that I didn't have the strength to be "super mom". I try so hard most days and try to be a million things to many different people but today I just surrendered to my human side and let the melt down occur. Once that is done I can then move on. Things have been crazy busy since Cope left to go back to Iraq. I am so thankful for the distractions and the days are simply flying by. I don't think they are moving quite as fast on Cope's end as he would like. I love that the time is passing quickly but it is sort of a double whammy because Ramsey is growing and changing so fast. Sometimes I wish I could just push the pause button and breath for a bit but this is life and the show must go on. So when I finally fall into bed tonight totally exhausted and overwhelmed I will remember in the midst of all the madness we are truly so blessed and I am grateful for my life and all the craziness that makes it so worth living. I'll also be looking forward to that delightful cup of coffee and Ramsey's sweet morning grin.


MaryBeth said...

Sorry you are having rough nights. Thank goodness, at least, for those sweet little toothy grins in the mornings.

You might try winding down in the evenings without the monitor and then it you can satisfy yourself that you'll hear him without it, go for it! It was sooooo freeing to get rid of the obnoxious background noise from our monitor... I can't even tell you how wonderful it was! The girls sleep at the opposite end of our house, and I still hear them when they need me (and often when they don't~ just chatting with each other).

Christine said...

Push the pause! Go for it! You are such a superstar Tara. My out is always a big hot bubble bath.

Not that I can claim to know much about anything crafty but if you can come up with things for me to cut out or sew together next weekend you just say the word. :)

I can't wait to meet Ramsey!

The Hewell Family said...

You are such an awesome woman ~ mother, wife, and person!!! I love reading your posts and admire you so much for the job that both you and Cope are doing! Your little guy is so precious! He is not much older than my youngest. :)