Monday, August 10, 2009

This and That

Ramsey and I are counting down the days till Cope comes home on Friday after having been gone 3 weeks. While Cope has been gone we have been SUPER busy or maybe I'm just keeping us feeling busy so we don't go nuts. Sunday my Dad came for some play time with Ramsey which was fun: Yesterday I remember having stored away this very cool sippee cup Aunt Julie gave Ramsey last year. He LOVES it! We call it his "cool" cup: Tonight he is WILD and I'm thinking it is time to get him to the bath and bed. He is currently climbing up my back and beginning to melt down so better run: Enjoy the total randomness and hope to be back with more interesting stuff soon:

1 comment:

Erin said...

The video cracked me up. Can he hold anymore things at once? Funny! What a vocabulary he's developing too. Oh, and I can't believe he still fits in his Bumbo chair!