Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hotel Hoodlum

In my post from the other day I had said we had gone to Asheville this past weekend and what a great time we had but what I forgot to mention was what a WILD MAN Ramsey was. He was a great traveler mainly because everything is new, and in need of his expert explorer skills. Once we checked into our room the very first thing he did was run strait for the phone and picked it up and started dialing. We quickly unplugged it as to not make too many room service calls. Next he grabbed the remote to the TV and threw it into the toilet. "UH-OH" is all he had to say for that one. Later when we were headed out for dinner Cope said have you seen my keys and my reply was "yes, I think I say them in the trash can earlier". Sure enough that's where they were. When we got back we wanted to watch a little TV but couldn't find the remote again. Oh, it was in the bath tub this time...of course. He also set our radio alarm clock and worked magic on the little safe in the closet. I didn't even bring toys on this trip simply because a hotel room is so full of adventure for a toddler. He is a mess, but he makes us laugh all the while.

1 comment:

Erin Duvall said...

too funny. it's amazing what entertains them.