Sunday, May 3, 2009

Today- The Real Stuff

Usually I write post about some adventure we had that day or something new Ramsey is up to. That is the best part of kids in that there is something new everyday. But I always wonder what a typical day is like in other households besides my own. I always find myself asking other stay at home moms "what do you guys do ALL day". So I thought I'd say what a typical day is like for Ramsey and myself. Cope has guard drill this weekend so he is gone from early morning until dinner time. Cope hasn't started a full time job yet but drill weekends are a pretty good indicator of how daily life will be.

My Day starts about 6:30am when I eagerly get up that early because I need that quite time with coffee and computer before WILD man gets up. He usually gets up about 7:30am and then we chat, I change him, and we head downstairs. I allow Ramsey to watch PBS kids or Baby Einstein for up to one hour each day. I try to be very vigil about TV time as it is such a mind sucker for little ones. He eats oatmeal and yogurt for breakfast and then gets a sippee cup of milk.

We usually lounge around for a bit and then I take a shower while he plays/destroys the bathroom. I clean up the bathroom.We go to the playroom and I do some sewing while he plays well by himself. Around 10:30am I'm thinking oh goodness it is only 10:30 and I'm out of stuff for us to do and it is still 2 hours till nap time. We might go outside, drive each other insane, or decide to clean something. Lunch happens around noon followed by 1-1.5 hour nap. This is my time to get work done or simply decompress a bit.

He is typically slow to wake up from his nap so is fussy until he is fully awake. We play some more. The afternoons seem long so we try to go the playground, go visit someone, have a play date, or complete some task I've pushed away too long. Today was go through all toys and put away or share his baby toys. This one was major and it seemed like every baby toys he hadn't played with in about 6 months or so suddenly became his favorite. Go figure. He has some sort of snack and juice/water in the afternoon.

Ramsey is typically cool till about 5:00pm when he starts getting fussy. I actually don't even mind crying as much as whining. This is the time he is into the most trouble. Let's see, he got time out for putting his shoes in the dog's water bowls today. Once I put him in the time out chair he looked strait at me and said "NO". Hard not to laugh, but I stay strong. We sit down for dinner about 6:30pm and Ramsey is willing to try just about anything but still doesn't eat much. He only wants to feed himself and god forbid if I try to spoon feed him, he slaps me away faster than you can imagine. I think last night for dinner he ended up eating 2 slices of cheese, spitting out all his hot dog, and eating 2 noodles. He LOVES his after dinner milk so that is when he comes running for his BIG gulp. He is usually happy to play until bath time at 7:30. Cope gives him his bath and puts on PJs. I come in to read the bedtime story. We both kiss him goodnight and put in the bed by 8:00pm. He is a great sleeper, which I am thankful for every single day.

Ramsey has also had some virus this past week which started on Monday with a rash all over his torso which spread everywhere. He also ran a high fever for about 24 hours. The doc said to let it run its course and we think thankfully it has. I hate mystery illness. I also think that is the cause of the lack of appetite and more whining then usual. I'm being patient (most of the time).

So that is our typical day. It is not glamorous, but it is FUN! I love Ramsey beyond comprehension. He makes us laugh. There are moments when I want to pull my hair out and I look at the clock to see how much longer till nap or bedtime but truth be told as he has gotten into the toddler stage I now know enough about him and me to remind myself we'll get through the "witching hour". He test my patience at times but he is good for me. He pushes me to grow up and become more. He is my best little buddy and I have never been so satisfied with my place in this life. I am grateful every single day, no matter how wonderful or crazy it has been.


Erin said...

I am so glad to hear your days aren't always full of glitz and glamour!! They are real as ours are- sometimes LONG and chaotic but still rewarding. Being a stay-at-home mom is a tough job!!
Weird about Ramsey's virus but my niece just had Roseola which sounds similar to what you are describing? She actually exposed Finley and our little cousin Parker over the anniversary weekend and we are waiting to see if Finley will come down with it. Hope Ramsey is feeling better!!

Erin Duvall said...

I love that blog post. I am always curious what other stay-at-home moms do too. It is a tough job but I'm glad to hear other moms are just like me.