Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Mom

With Mother's Day approaching tomorrow I am thrilled to be a Mommy and get a special day to celebrate it, but it also makes me think so much about my own Mom. She is to be to quite honest, the BEST! She truly loves me unconditionally. She expects nothing from me other then to be happy and to live my best life. Sometime over the past few years we have made a shift from simply daughter needing mother to us just wanting to be around each other. She is my friend. The one girlfriend I am comfortable telling most anything too. She is my mentor. I used to aspire to be her but as I have grown I've realized I don't need to be her. I just need to be me and take the lesson she has taught me and the values she has instilled in me, to be a more empowered version of myself. She is a wonderful teacher. Her lesson are not in any text book, they are in everyday life. She teaches me to do the things that matter, love well, stay open to the possibilities, and to simply be grateful for the present.

There are times I want to shout to the world how neat my Mom is. To make everyone take notice of how much I love her and how kind she is to me. Then I realize that is not her style. She would rather be understated. I think all she ever needs is a simple Thank You. Well Mom, then I thank you a million times over. Because of you I am a better person, and a better mother. I thank God every single day that he chose me to be your daughter. I'm a lucky girl. Happy Mother's Day Mom. I think you're just the BEST!

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