Monday, May 11, 2009

First Popsicle

Ramsey tried his first popsicle yesterday. When he got up from his nap I had him one ready but he saw it and seemed a little sceptical. He watched as I took a few taste and then he thought since I didn't die maybe it was ok. He tasted... MMMmmm! Then it was on. He took the popsicle by the stick and we headed out on the porch in case things got messy, which they did, but who cares. I'm so proud that Ramsey will try a good a bit of new stuff but he will definitely tell you weather to keep it in his food repertoire or not. In fact he only wants to feed himself as of lately. He loves his fork, mostly because he can stab things with it. We have weened him (or he has weened himself) to only big people foods now. If anyone has any good food ideas for the toddler stages that he can finger/fork feed himself please send the ideas my way. So far we've found he likes ham and cheese sandwiches, hot dogs, most any fruit, pasta, cheese, and breads. I'd like to get a some more veggies in there but hey, not complaining one bit at this point. He is eating, enjoying it, and I'm not stressed at meal times. Huge smiles all around. Go Ramsey, I'm so proud of you!!!!

1 comment:

Lindsey Oliver said...

Way to go, Ramsey! I know how relieved you must be that his eating habits have improved. Yay for growing boys!

We're still going very slowly with Luke and his introduction to table foods. Our ped says by 18 months things tend to take care of themselves -- maybe she's right!