Saturday, April 18, 2009

All Boy

Ramsey is enjoying most anything that is BOY these days:
He likes these plastic toys but still much prefers the real things:

Posing by my Moms fountain. He actually tried to climb in it yesterday but only got as far as one soaked leg before we caught him: He is crazy about sticks of all sizes and he'll pretend that they're swords or maybe a Wii controller, can't really tell?:
Little Man VS. Wild:
He LOVES to throw most anything these days. He throws peas across the table, blocks across the room, goldfish to the doggies, and huge rocks at the lake:

We meant for him to take the rock over the bridge to the stream but he decided for it to take a faster/easier route. Just glad it was the rock and not him:

Here is a little clip of him tackling the stream at the lake. If I were that stream I might be a little afraid. He's pretty intense:


Adam and Kimmy plus Reese! said...

How awesome that you're from Cartersville....oh side track...thanks for the comments on our blog. We hopped over to your blog and we lived in Cartersville prior to moving Woodstock. I enjoyed the Step Brothers post...hahaha

Christine said...

Its great to see that you guys are having a good time! We are trying to get settled in CA. Bermuda loves her new collar! We are taking the baby gifts to our friends next weekend. Take care!!!