Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick- or-Treating 2010

We have had a blast trick-or-treating these last 2 days. After Ramsey's nap on Friday we headed downtown to the square for store trick-or-treating. It was super crowded which was a little bit much for my taste but we had fun anyway. Here is Lightning McQueen ready to go:
We met up with Aunt Paige at her office downtown:
We also ran into his buddies Kaden and Kendall:
We met up with Best Buddy Ty after that:

Ramsey choosing his loot:
Not wanting to pose with Daddy:

Last Night (Saturday night) was our neighborhood trick-or-treating. We invited his buddies Ty and Kobey over along with their parents. We had to make the WILD boys wait till the UGA game was over before we could head out:

We loaded them up and off we went:

They all had a blast and were sooooo cute. They walked up to each door, said "trick-or-treat" or "Hey" and then most of the time remembered to say "thank you" and then would run like crazy kids back to show us their loot:

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Preschool Halloween Party

Ramsey had his Halloween performance at preschool yesterday. I was a little anxious about how he'd do this year because last year each time he cried until I went up front and got him. Well, the difference a year makes in the life of a child. He worked the stage like a natural. He danced, he sang, he yelled, he rocked, and he waved and smiled at everyone he knew. Here he is front and center stage as lightning McQueen:The whole preschool was up there:Cope's parents made the drive down to see Ramsey. My mom, Morgan, my sister and Jay also came to watch the WILD man:The Rowell boys:Ramsey and his "gwirl" Emma. She is our neighbor and he just adores her. She is in the 4 year old class:Proud Daddy with his son:Then it was on to the class party. I was in charge of this Halloween party. My friend, Shawnee made the cupcakes and treats and I just wrote the check and brought the goods. My new theory is "work hard and then write the check". I may have some sewing skills but I am NOT a baker. I appreciate having good friends who are. The treats were adorable and yummy too!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Annual Fall Festival

We have a fall festival every year at my mom and Morgan's river house. We have a pumpkin carving contest, activities, and yummy food! Here is a picture of everyone and their pumpkins:

Checking out Baby Sophia:

He isn't so sure about her?: The favorite activity was playing in the pile of leaves:

My UGA Pumpkin. It won second place. Boo :( Cope's helmet pumpkin:

More leaf playing:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

First Dentist Visit

Tuesday morning Ramsey had his first dentist appointment. It was really along side my cleaning but we wanted to get him stated getting used to the office and the chair and such. I really had no idea how he'd do but when we got there he hoped right up and let them do their job. It helped that my neighbor and friend was the hygienist. Mylinda was great with him. He let them count his teeth, poke to look for cavities and even the doctor come in and give him a thumbs up! I was so proud of him. It is things like this that make me realize how fast he is growing up and how proud I am of him.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Toy Story On Ice

Saturday morning (after I had gone to an indigo Girls concert the night before and gotten in at 2 am) we woke up bright and early and Ramsey and I had a fun date to Toy Story on Ice. We went with my friend Heather Brown and her little girl Addison and our other friend Naomi and her little girl Sophie. When Heather first invited us I wasn't too stoked since Ramsey isn't that into Toy Story since he can't move beyond the movie "Cars", but I thought we'd give it a whirl anyway. Much to my surprise we had a BLAST! It totally exceeded all my expectations and Ramsey loved it! Here are some pics from our morning adventure:

Ramsey studying his ticket:
Ramsey and Addison:

Watching in amazement:
They toy soldiers doing their awesome dance:


I Love Toy Story on Ice!:

Sweet Addison. She was hilarious. She and Sophie were up dancing almost the whole time:

Munching on some Cotton Candy:
Barbie and Ken:

All 3 cuties in Tara Nicole gear:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Today's Little Boy Moment

This afternoon we went out to a Frisbee Dog Championship at our local park. We were with my Mom and Morgan sitting in the bleachers talking and Ramsey was running around on the ground. I heard a lady say "well, if ya gotta go" I looked and gasped when I say Ramsey with his pants and undies around his ankles and he was just peeing right there in the grass. I am not sure what he was thinking or why he didn't ask us to take him to a potty. I was embarrassed but he wasn't so it was fine and I didn't want to make him feel bad. I love his Independence but sometimes it is a bit much :)


My Dad and Donna stopped by Tuesday afternoon to visit with Ramsey. Ramsey loves his "Pops" and "Miss Donna". They took him over to see my sister at her new apartment that is in downtown Cartersville. One the way back to our house they took him up to our neighborhood playground. Ramsey had a blast and it gave me some time to get some household stuff done. It was a great afternoon for everyone!
Playground time:

Friday, October 15, 2010

Trip To The Aquarium

Monday morning my Mom and Morgan came to get Ramsey and take him to the Georgia Aquarium. My step-bro, Will was doing some sort of Navy training there and since Ramsey LOVES Will it would be a good opportunity to see him. Mom said Ramsey talked about Will the whole way there and once he saw him he totally froze up like he was Santa Clause. After the aquarium they asked Ramsey what his favorite part was and he said "seeing Will". Kids can be so weird. After that they took him to Steak N Shake for lunch and he ate 2 ketchup sandwiches (supposed to be burgers but he discarded the meat) and loved the shoe string fries. Here are a few pictures from his adventure: