Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Whoo Hooo

So today was super busy for my mom and I. We have been working on the new product lines and so far SO GOOD! My mom is really incredible when it comes to designing our embroidery stuff and she even had time to design me a new logo. I mean who has a photshop expert, design diva, and a creative genious as a mother...thankfully ME! We have such a good time doing this stuff and I never do it for the money just the thrill of being creative and spending time with my mom. Ramsey even got in on the action in his exersaucer. He was really fond of the embroidery machine and how fast it stitches. Cope refers to our little office as the "sweat shop". It is pretty busy and and the quarters are tight with two adults, an occasional little boy, and 3 bulldogs. So we have had a busy day but a satisfying one too. I'm off to eat Mexican and get home in time for American Idol. I just love Tuesdays! The only thing that could make it better would be a little more time in the day and a LOT MORE COPE.

Above are two of our bags that we designed for my friend's store.

1 comment:

Lindsey Oliver said...

I'm so impressed. I just love your stuff!! Do you take orders? We have two dogs too. Plus, I'd love to have some things with baby's name (once he has one), like blankets/bibs.

Thanks for the encouraging words, too. I'm going to make it, I know. :)