So at 40 weeks + 2 days I found myself still pregnant. The doctor said the baby looked fine but due to my increasing anxiety he would go ahead and induce me the next day. Well, I guess that was all our little guy needed to hear because later that night I went into labor on my own. Let me say first that contractions are as bad as anyone has ever said they were. I was laughing through them at first just thrilled to finally be in labor but an hour later I was moaning in pain. Determined not to be one of those screaming ladies a few doors down when asked if I wanted an epidural I said "yes please"! Needles in my eyeballs would have felt better at the time then those darn contractions. I felt fine about that decision since I had made it to 5cm on my own I would let drugs take me the rest of the way. So thank God for modern medicine because I did not feel another contraction after the epidural. Pushing was really fun and all in all my birth experience was wonderful except that Cope wasn't there to experience it with me. So at 9:19 am, after 12 hours of labor, Ramsey Copeland Rowell made his way into the world. It was totally mind blowing to see him finally. To see how perfect he was and to know that we created him. I kept telling Cope "I can't believe we made a person". I was able to share as much as I could with Cope over the phone that day and I can't even imagine what he was going through( he said he got a cold from stressing so much). Even though he was thousands of miles away we were finally a family and I was ready for the journey.
Can I just say....YEAH TARA?!?! I am so excited I will have a place to get the Rowell update. I have only read 2 posts and I AM IN LOVE. I love your honesty and creativity...but what else did I expect? It makes me miss the guitar hero evenings so much!
This is the old roommate, Bernard West. Funniest thing, I just left Cope an e-mail asking him about the family, and I decided to google his name, and I got this. It is good to see that things are progressing for you all, I have a 19month old girl named Jordan Rose, and Serena, my wife, is 5 months pregnant with a little boy. I hope our paths cross again in the future, but until they do, you all will stay in our prayers. Hope the R&R time feels a lot longer than it really is.
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