Saturday, June 6, 2009

Is It Just Me?

Is it just me or does this happen to anyone else with a kid?

Ramsey gets a big sippee cup of whole milk in the morning and at night before bed. Sometimes when he is done he'll bring me the cup but often times he just leaves it wherever he decides he is finished with it. We are pretty strict with his juice and milk because he would prefer to skip eating in favor of drinking milk all day. Sometimes I'll hear him exclaim "Juice" (what he calls both milk and juice) and comes into the room drinking a sippee cup hours after I have taken it away for the morning (I have to do this so he'll be hungry for lunch). I then realize he has found a cup of milk he has left somewhere for God only knows how many days and be sipping away on it. GROSS. I grab the cup away and he pouts. I mean does he not care that is taste awful? I suppose he is so proud of his find that the taste just doesn't matter. Man, this kid keeps me on my toes. I guess I need to start counting sippee cups at the end of the day? He probably hides them on purpose, like a secret stash or something?


Scott and Katie said...

There is nothing like finding an old molding sippee cup under the bed or on the floor board of the car...yuck

jill said...

he's just as crafty as his friend! sophie hides juice cups with the best of them!

Crystal said...

Yes, girl- that has SO happened to us too! There was one incident where we knew Harper Cole had "hid" TWO we just waited for the smell. Lovely. And yes- HC has taken a big gulp of milk with chunks in it before- nasty!

KatieMGreen said...

Yes, I can't believe they don't think it's just as nasty!!!