Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So Helpful

Ramsey is so helpful (when he wants to be of course). The part you won't see here is the tantrum he threw 2 minutes later because he wanted to shut the door and I wouldn't let him. Anyway, for the most part he is easy going and helpful. He comes running when he knows it is time to put away laundry. Usually I can just stand in the closets and he'll bring me the items. I like to teach him words, read books, etc., but teaching domestic ability is high on my priority list too. He's a quick study. Ladies, he'll be available in about 20 years!

Of course he still loves to put my undies around over his head and in this picture he is also trying to get his little legs in them too:


Scott and Katie said...

My favorite part is the dog breathing in the background! What a great helper you have.

Lindsey Oliver said...

Luke pitches a fit too if I make him get out of the way!

Erin Duvall said...

I know I love the dog breathing. I like when he brings you your undies. And ummm, I'm going to videotape one of Ava's fits b/c by golly the terrible twos came a year early. she seriously pitched fits in Target today and jumped up and down and threw herself on the floor b/c she was so mad at me. Ridiculous.

jill said...

sophie does the SAME thing with my undies! i guess it's good to know she's not the only one. ha! they'll probably argue over laundry one day ... r is so sweet and helpful, and she likes to UNfold everhthing and throw it around like giant confetti.