Friday, April 10, 2009

First Egg Hunt

Ramsey enjoyed his first real Easter egg hunt yesterday. Last year he was only 4 months old and too little to actually hunt them. This year he sort of got it but he also picked up leaves as well to put in his basket since he didn't really get that eggs were so important to this Easter thing. I hosted a party for a group of Moms so we had a great time with about 8 moms and about 15 little kids, 13 of those were boys so it was WILD! Ramsey had a blast and was literally too tired to even eat his dinner last night. We're off to Asheville for a wedding this coming weekend so hopefully the Easter bunny will find us and leave Mr.Ramsey some cool surprises.

Side Note: We've started to implement "Time Out" with Ramsey this week. So far he thinks it is hilarious but we're hoping he'll eventually grow to hate it. He is typically very well behaved but sometimes gets mad and will bite, hit, or just plain decide to do something naughty. We have decided the dining room chair in the corner is this dreaded spot and so far he has been there at least 5 times today. We only make him sit there for about 30 seconds and I'll keep you posted if there is any notable difference in a few weeks time. I'm thinking (or at least hoping) consistency is the key.


Scott and Katie said...

Please let us know if time out helps at this age. When Rileigh gets in trouble she hits herself in the head...really embarassing!

Jenn said...

That's a pretty serious Easter basket he has there! We hope you guys had a great Easter and the Easter Bunny found Ramsey in Asheville. :)

Cristin said...

I had to laugh at your time out comments. M was the same way about laughing but quickly learned it was serious. Consitency truly is key and it has been really effective for us.