Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This Time Last Year

This time last year was my due date. I went for my last OB appointment that morning and the Doctor agreed to induce me the next day due to my increasing anxiety and high blood pressure. I was excited and nervous but very ready to meet our little boy. Later that evening around 9PM I started labor on my own and by 10:30pm we were headed to the hospital. When I arrived I was 4cm dilated but because they were so busy they wanted me at 5cm before they would admit me. I thought if they send me home I might just die. So I walked the halls and stairs for another hour which was HELL due to the increasingly painful contractions. They checked me again and I was 5cm. Thank you GOD! I was moaning in pain at that point and quickly got into a room and and got an epidural ASAP. Who ever thought a huge needle in your back could bring such wonderful relief? I labored the rest of the night and into the early morning of the 4th. I'll save the rest of the story for tomorrow...

As I do think back on this day last year I realize I really had no idea what was in store for me. I had no idea that my life was about to be changed for the better. I was hopeful but Ramsey is way better than any dream I could have fathomed.

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