Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Banner Week For Ramsey

Ramsey has had a BIG BOY week! It started off last Thursday with a haircut. I love his curls but I love it short too. He looks so grown up with it short. He went pee on the potty before his nap and stayed dry during nap and then peed and pooped on the potty after he woke up. My mom was watching him that afternoon and said she would be brave enough to take him in underwear instead of a diaper. It wasn't a great first day. He peed on my sisters floor at her work. Nice! I just made up my mind that we were going to move forward and not look back. I've learned this strength from Ramsey. It his is style of change.

So long story short he is getting better and better each day. I'm not one of these Moms that can just stay home and potty train and Ramsey enjoys visiting new pottys so we've still been doing our errands and praying. Yesterday was his first day of no accidents and even called me during the night to take him potty even though he still wears a diaper at night. I am SO PROUD OF HIM! He is doing great!

While we were already in change mode I decided to go all the way and get him into a big boy bed. His crib did not convert so we took it apart and up to the attic it went. He loves his new twin bed and has not skipped a beat in the sleep department. I dreaded these changes for SO LONG but truth be told neither of them has been all that bad. The potty training is at times intense and disgusting but oh well. Also, I think I ask him at least 200 times a day "tell mommy if you need to potty, Do you need to go potty, etc" My little charge is quite a big kid these days and I love it!


Katie Jones said...

Congrats to Ramsey on being so grown up - and the haircut looks great!

Brandi Beals said...

way to go Ramsey! Where did you get his comforter? I have been looking for a cute plaid!

Christine said...

You are an AMAZING mama Tara! :)

Beckie said...

YAAAY for Ramsey! (and Mommy too!)

The Tooles said...

WOW Ramsey...he certainly has had a big boy week. We are moving Caroline into her big girl bed in couple weeks when we get moved. I hope she does as well as your wild man!