Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lazy Weekend

Thankfully we have had a very low key weekend around here. Cope got home from his work trip on Friday afternoon and we took Ramsey to Bounce N Beans, a local bouncing gym. He had a blast and now every time we are anywhere in the vicinity of the location he demands to go play there. Good thing parents win when it comes to steering the car. Friday night after we put Ramsey to bed we ordered Chinese and watched the Office we had taped.

Saturday we didn't do too much. I got a much needed nap when Ramsey went down for his. It is so nice to have Cope home on the weekend and let him be in charge of the monitor and I allow myself to completely unwind. Later we went to Publix to pick up some UGA game snacks. When we got home we realized we didn't even get the channel that was airing the game so we settled on a movie and late night football highlights.

Today, Sunday we had delicious brunch of Shrimp and Grits at my Mom where a long time family friend Sue was visiting. We then headed to Target where they finally got in my beloved elbow t-shirts. I bought 6 of the same shirt. Cope wishes I wouldn't where such plain Jane clothes but I love them, I can't help it. Then my Mom came over to help with some sewing projects. Thanks Mom! Some neighbors came over with their 19 month old little boy Bryce to play and chit chat. We finished off the weekend with a nice family (the 3 of us) dinner at the table where Ramsey refused to eat his dinner but demanded 4 packs of fruit snacks. Ok, so I've decided to pick my battles and at the moment this isn't one of them.

So now were better rested and had time as family as we embark on what I'm sure will be a crazy, busy week but I'll look back on this weekend and be grateful for the rest and relaxation.


jill said...

love that sweet boy!!!!! glad you got some rest ... i can only imagine how tired you were! hope this week is a good one. :)

The Brown Family said...

Elbow shirts!!!!! YAHOOOOOOO Why didn't you call and remind me? I am going on Monday!!